RD1000 believes in biological conservation through preservation. Being keen on
protection means being aware of how our operations and maintenance may affect
different species who call the Natomas Basin their home.
RD1000 monitors water quality in our canals and ditches to help preserve aquatic
life and habitat for fish, pond turtles, otters, and beavers. District crews are careful
not to mow along the water’s edge to allow the highly aquatic Giant Garter Snake
the ability to graze on frogs, fish, and aquatic vegetation.
Along Fisherman’s Lake, crews are careful to leave native grasses and weed up to
8 inches tall to allow foraging for snakes and hawks. Each year, from May 1 to July
4, Cattails and Tules (aquatic weeds) are left undisturbed from mowing because
Blackbirds like to nest in them. When it comes to tree maintenance, our crews do
not disturb Swainson Hawk nests. They do not trim Elderberry bushes because
they are federally protected to ensure the Elderberry Beatle retains its habitat.