Encroachment Permits
Encroachment Permits are required for every proposal or plan of work that involves cutting into the levee, wholly or in part within any area for which there is an Adopted Plan of Flood Control, as defined by California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 23, Division 1,
The Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB) and RD 1000 permitting process applies to any modifications on or waterward of the existing Garden Highway levee including, but not limited to, planting vegetation, importing fill material, bank erosion protection, fences, walls, driveways, patios, walkways, retaining wall, pools, boat docks, new homes, and additions to existing houses. Please note, this permit requirement still applies to areas where the new adjacent set-back levee has been constructed north of Powerline Road. The Garden Highway levee is considered to be an integral part of the flood control project that protects the Natomas Basin.
- California Code of Regulations, Title 23 Waters, Div 1 Central Valley Flood Protection Board (July 2014)
- UPDATE TO TITLE 23: Permit and Inspection Fee Schedule (Effective July 1, 2019)
- General Permit Application Information
- Categorical Permission Project Criteria to expedite and streamline USACE Section 408 Reviews
- CVFPB’s Jurisdictional Area – Best available Maps (BAM) Viewer
- Environmental & CEQA Considerations
- Permit Application Review Process
- Permit Application Submittal Information
- Permit Application Forms
- Executive Officer Delegated Permits
- Permit Fee Information
- FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)