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Natomas Levee Improvement Project - November 2023


Natomas Levee Project—U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 

Goal:  Complete levee improvements started by SAFCA/State to provide Natomas Basin at least 200-year flood protection

Project Status:  Project is fully authorized by Congress (2014 Water Resources and Reform Development Act).  Appropriations are made on an annual basis

Cost Sharing Partners:  SAFCA (local) and Central Valley Flood Protection Board (State)

Operation and Maintenance Responsibility:  Reclamation District No. 1000

Construction Status:  See Construction Phasing Map

November 2023 Status:

Reach A

i.      The Contract was awarded in September 2021 to Ahtna-Great Lakes (joint venture) for the base contract levee work. Construction is presently on hold, due to the current flood season, however operations are scheduled to resume on April 15, 2024, with an anticipated completion date of 2025.

ii.     Modifications to Plant 1B and 1A have been included in the project. The contract includes the provisions in the agreement between the District and SAFCA to ensure Plant 1A and 1B are operational during the flood season throughout the project and partial operation of Plant 1B during the irrigation season for rice drainage.

iii.   SAFCA/State continue coordinating with the Corps on SMUD, AT&T and PGE relocations which are underway. The team is also working with the City of Sacramento on waterline and service connections along Garden Highway.

Reach B

i.      Substantial completion has been achieved for the construction on Reach B, which includes the relocation of the Riverside Canal and replacement of other Natomas Water Company facilities. The contractor has demobilized and is currently addressing the remaining punch list items.

ii.     Construction at the I-5 window crossing the Sacramento River south of Bayou Road which began in 2021 is complete.

Reach C

i.      The Reach C project is complete, and the District is providing the operation and maintenance.

Reach D

i.      The reconstruction of Pumping Plant 4, discharge pipes and outfall structure are substantially complete. The plant will be non-operational this flood season as the electrical protection equipment delivery is scheduled for January 2024. Temporary power installation for pump motor heaters is complete.

ii.     The Corps is working on the package to turn the previously completed levee improvements in Reach D over to the non-federal sponsors (and RD 1000) though the District has effectively taken over the O&M of the levee.

Reach E

i.      PG&E relocations are complete, AT&T service pole relocations are in progress. Levee grading work has commenced. Slurry wall, working platform and culvert underdrain replacements are in progress. Work

ii.     SAFCA has acquired all the right of way for construction and utility relocations and has physical possession of the property. This includes the Brookfield property which could yield sufficient borrow for the remainder of the Natomas project.

Reach F

i.      The Corps is working with the State, SAFCA and RD 1000 to close out comments from the 95% and 100 % design. Final plans and specifications are to be completed by October 2023. The Corps has an issue with their internal review process which could delay the final design.

ii.     Critical issues include right of way acquisition (some which require relocations); relocation of existing WAPA tower (lead time for relocation more than a year); utility relocations and borrow source.

iii.   The contract for tree removal within the levee footprint is scheduled for award in November 2023. Levee construction award is scheduled for November 2024 with construction in 2025 and 2026.

Reach G

i.      See notes above for Reach F as Reaches F and G are combined into a single design and construction contract.

Reach H

i.      Construction at Reach H is substantially complete. A final job walk is scheduled for December 2024.

Reach I

i.      Construction of the cutoff wall has been completed and project finalization and turnover to SAFCA and the District is in progress. A final construction report has been submitted for SAFCA and the District to review.

ii.     Design for the Reach I Contract 2 to construct a patrol / maintenance road and perform levee slope flattening has been completed. SAFCA is working on real estate acquisition and coordination with utilities for relocation. All tree removal has been completed. Letter of Acceptance sent to SAFCA. O&M manual was provided by the USACE.

Other Projects

i.      Plant 5 replacement—The Corps has awarded the design contract to the Stantec/Kleinfelder team. The new pumping plant will be located approximately 400 feet east from the current location. The Corps is working with the State, SAFCA and RD 1000 to close out comments from the 95% plans. The existing timeline anticipates construction in 2024, though current review delays could potentially shift the project to 2025.

ii.     Highway 99 Window – HDR Engineers are doing the design for the closure of the Highway 99 crossing gap at the Natomas Cross Canal. The 100% plans were submitted and reviewed by the design team in October with no significant issues identified. The schedule has shifted to Caltrans review with scheduled award in December 2023 and construction in 2024.

For additional updates on the Natomas Levee Project go here and sign up for the Army Corps mailing list.